Carving projects.

19 August, 2024 – 11:49 am

My commissions start with a sketch, this Pigeon drawing is the fist stage in carving a pair of Pigeons. The pub that they are going to, The Blue Pigeons is being renovated and will re-open in October as a boutique hotel with restaurant and bar. The owners have also bought my carving, Pins and Needles to sit in pride of place in their new establishment.

I am using Tetbury limestone for this carving, it is the stone that I carved Pins and Needles out of, and is lovely to carve. A honey colour with veins of Calcium Carbonate and fossils running through it. Sadly the quarry was forced to close in 2020. As you can see, there is still work to do before they are finished, they will be adorned with hops and vine leaves.

Back in May I took part in an exhibition at St Nicholas Church in Ash, this pair of Tetbury limestone books, inspired by Bluebells was one of my new carvings that I had on display there.

They are still available to buy at £225.

As an old Manwoodian, it is always lovely to be able to give back. This is a carving that I did for them to help raise money for one of the old boarding houses to be turned into an A-level centre. This is the Sir Roger Manwoods coat of arms that I was proud to wear on my blazer.

I hand carved it out of a piece of Welsh slate from the Horseshoe Pass in North Wales. Once the carving was complete, I hand finished it with enamel paint and Gold leaf.

In the time between commissions, I have started to carve the full size stone carving of my ‘Go away, don’t go away’ a drawing that I made in March 2020, I was able to carve her during lockdown on a small scale in a piece of Tetbury limestone. This was the physical form that my emotions took during the pandemic.

I now have the space to carve her on a larger scale, I am using a piece of Lepine limestone, but I know that she will take on a new direction as I no longer have these feelings.

I’m looking forward to working on her on August Bank Holiday Monday.

If you have an idea for a carving and would like to discuss this please feel free to get in touch or pop in and see me. I currently have a 6-8mth waiting list.


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