Working from home.
11 January, 2021 – 10:27 amDuring the last Summer I was able to work in my garden thanks to the lovely warm and dry weather that we had.
My boyfriend and I spent a day clearing a very rundown shed in the garden so if the weather turned so I still had a place to work. I didn’t finish kitting it out though as I didn’t need it…until now.
I spent a day last week collecting what I would need for my next 3 commissions and organising the space so I could work, as you can see I now have a space that allows me to work from home.
The shed had a very uneven dirt floor and evidence of rats everywhere. As well as nasty dirty rotten shelves covered in rat droppings. The shelf brackets were screwed on with flat head screws that stripped when we tried to undo them so we resorted to using my dremmel to cut them off.
I didn’t think to take before shots as I had no idea that I would be writing about this now as a point of interest.
I didn’t think to take before shots as I had no idea that I would be writing about this now as a point of interest.
I tried to level it as best as I could and using some bricks that I found piled up under an overgrown dumping ground at the end of the garden (which I had started to tidy) I laid a floor, I hoped in doing so it would stop the rats.
I had a little bit of white paint so I watered it down to make it go further (as paint wasn’t something that we could readily buy in the Summer) to paint the wooden walls and some green paint that I had knocking around leftover from something.
I had a little bit of white paint so I watered it down to make it go further (as paint wasn’t something that we could readily buy in the Summer) to paint the wooden walls and some green paint that I had knocking around leftover from something.
Our living room flooded before Christmas so I used the carpet and underlay that was ruined to put down on the bricks and make a draft excluder around the bottom of the shed…there are quite alot of gaps.
The lighting is great in there now thanks to a friend giving me some halogen site lights with bonus extra warmth and I have hung an old tent outer shell up at the door as there are alot of gaps in the door too.
I partially dismantled the easel that Ed and I constructed in the Summer and it is now fixed to the brick wall that the shed is built against.
I have re-used the brackets to put some shelves up and screws for hanging saws and straight edges and finally my work bench I brought home last Summer is in there along with a workmate for extra bench space.
I am going to be toasty warm in there with my small halogen heater that has been with me for 10 years.
I am looking forward to carving my next house sign that has an Oak Tree motif.
I have decided that I will be working from home until it is safe to do otherwise. The war memorial will have to take a back seat for now as working from my studio isn’t practical or safe, although the site is closed to the public there are residents that live there and other on-site workers.
I will be visiting my studio once a week to bring in commissions for finishing and collecting the next batch and the necessary stone.
I wish you all good health and I look forward to seeing you in the future.