Commissions, lettercarving, sculpture exhibition and a sale.
12 March, 2019 – 6:06 pmReally sorry that I haven’t posted in a while there is so much to do at the moment which is very exciting.
I have just finished a very complicated memorial hand carved in Welsh slate, it was 21 inches square and took me 6 days.
These dog portraits hand carved in Cornish slate were fun to do.
I have also had my application for the Celebration of Craftsmanship and Design accepted. It is something that I have been wanting to take part in for many years.
My sculptures will be my seashell and mother and child sculptures, using the spirals and curves that I love so much to carve. There will be three of my carvings indoors and 5 outdoors. I have started one of my new carvings and it has a fern like shape but will have a sense of a mother and child’s love.
There are expenses such as the entry fee and new stone for my new sculptures so I am having a sale of some of my carvings.
These are the lucky fellows who will help me pay for some new stone, my exhibition fee and of course the delivery of my 8 sculptures. The Green man with Rowan Berries has just sold (bottom right corner) but my Beastie on the middle right which is now only £500, my Green Man with Acorns and Oak leaves which is £650 and my cheeky grotesque (top right) which is now only £200 are still available. It is always difficult to reduce the cost of my carvings, not because I’m greedy but because they are all special in their own way and their worth and obviously the time spent can never be recovered in the price but they need to earn their living for me and I need to pay for this exhibition in order to progress my skill and designs.
You’ll also be interested to see the development of my Bacchus Green man, while he remains unfinished I spend a few hours every week on him and hope to have him finished before the Summer.
I have recently finished another one of my seashell inspired carvings, it is carved from a piece of the original Llanthony Secunda Priory that I was given last Summer after spending the day demonstrating at one of their open days.
I decided to leave the bottom section un-worked as it has some beautiful 500 yr old tooling visible. There is also some pink discoloration from fire damage.
I have a lot on my schedule at the moment but it is all so exciting. I hope that you will get in touch to discuss a commission or maybe you’d like to buy one of my sculptures but I do now have a 6 mth waiting list for commissions.
As well as my carving schedule I am also taking part in a personal challenge. It ultimately raises money for DiabetesUK and it is a swimming challenge. I have struggled with my physical health for a number of years due to injury but through perseverance, determination and my partner’s support I am getting stronger. This challenge to swim 22 miles in 12 wks is just the thing I need to continue to push myself further. I have a just giving page, it would be great if you could sponsor me, I also keep it updated with my progress so you can follow me on this epic journey.
Thank you for reading and please feel free to comment or ask questions I will reply.
2 Responses to “Commissions, lettercarving, sculpture exhibition and a sale.”
Arresting choice of font and the lettering works so well with the Welsh slate, just brilliant.
By Graeme on Mar 14, 2019
Thank you Graham, I was commissioned to carve this using an existing font which was on the grave stone for the parents of Joy Betty Henbest. It was very tricky to get the same feeling as the original and make sure it had the correct amount of whimsy without looking messy but it is similar to some of my own lettering designs and I thoroughly enjoyed carving this.
By Caroline Horwood on Mar 15, 2019