What am I up to?
27 April, 2015 – 3:46 pmYou’ll be pleased to hear that my ankle is healing well and I am back at work.
I have been working on various letter cutting commissions and have a few smaller items to work on. Obviously the big project I am currently engaged with is my Stone Carving Festival that I am organising.
It will take place next month on the 23rd and 24th May.
Hosting my festival will be The Llanthony Secunda Priory, an Augustinian Priory dating back to the early 12th century. The festival will raise money in the form of an auction, what will we auction I hear you cry…..
There will be 20+ stonemasons all carving a piece of limestone generously donated by Veizeys Quarry nr Tetbury. Visit www.stonesuppliescotswolds.co.uk for more details on this stone.
They will all be carving an animal themed stone carving and on Sunday at 3pm there will be a grand live auction where you, the general public will have the opportunity to walk away with a magnificent and unique sculpture. You will also contribute to the funds that The Priory trust desperately need to raise to get this beautiful site back into use. visit www.llanthonysecunda.org for info on their future plans.
As well as the stonemasons there will also be activities, displays and pop-up shops, visit my other website www.stonecarvingfestival.co.uk for all the updates and information