Syreford limestone carving

13 December, 2012 – 5:00 pm

Here are the latest photos of my carving.

As you can see I have started to develop the hair more, trying to give the illusion of a body underneath.

It’s always a bit scary when I start to carve deeper into the legs and arms but the detail comes from these undercuts. There won’t be the really fine detail in the face as the stone which is from the North Cotswolds is very coarse and doesn’t lend itself to this type of carving.

  1. 3 Responses to “Syreford limestone carving”

  2. hi carrie like youe work
    i am glad i am not the only one who finds it a bit scary when under cutting and makeing deeper cuts
    but i do find the mental intensity of this work second to none

    By on Dec 16, 2012

  3. Thanks Rob!

    By Carrie Horwood on Dec 17, 2012

  4. Hi Carrie,
    Can you get back to Canterbury for Saturday 23rd March? There is a day school event at Christ Church entitled The Green Man: Ancient Icon or modern Myth? (website
    Have a look if you can, or I’ve got the course prospectus here.
    Pauline x

    By pauline/nigel on Dec 18, 2012

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